Thursday, September 1, 2011

Happy Together

It's another one of those ending-beginnings. I've finished the job from hell and started (again) a life of bliss with my B and friends. This Saturday will be four weeks since I've quit. Does not seem like it. It feels like a lifetime ago, and not even my life, someone else's. And I guess that was part of the vexation I felt there, that I wasn't living my own life. I wanted to have MY but I was stymied with a HER, THEM and WE. (I was sometimes included in the them, so I can put a 'we'- though I didn't want to be apart of that 'we' - I wanted a B and me "we'.)

Now, however, I have what I want and am very happy with it. I have a B that makes me laugh and giggle, friends that stop by to see us and that I can go see whenever I want. I have a job that allows me FREE TIME, though a foreign concept at first, I think I'm getting used to the idea. By the way, the new job is at a private school on the Asian side of Istanbul, it's called Istek Vakfi. You should google it, it's quite nice as are the people who work there. I'll be working as a kindergarten teacher there and B will be working at the primary level (grades 4 to 7). We both work at the same school, just not in the same building. Thus we travel together in the mornings and nights but get to enjoy some space at work. It's kind of perfect.

Then there's also the apartment, the huge 3 bedroom apartment with a balcony for me to play my guitar on, an extra room for B to write in or for visitors to stay in, and a gargantuan living room/dining room for us to entertain OUR friends. I sound a little braggy, I know, but really- I think I've earned a little brag time. So, it's nice and we're happy! :) And also, we'd love to entertain anyone who is thinking of a journey to Istanbul! WE HAVE ROOM!

Anyways, I think B and I are going to go on a day trip today to Sile - a small town on the Black Sea - thus, I should probably stop blabbing and get MY six-year old spirited B ready! And I suppose myself, too, of course! :) Yay for Bayram and no work this week! School starts Monday!