Monday, August 8, 2011

First day of my life

Saturday, August 6th, 2011: the first day of my life.

I'm now a free person and enjoying the freedom of saying yes and no. I say the latter a lot more now. I also like buying my own food and choosing what I want to eat. What I do is limited as of right now- as I sprained my ankle last week and again today. Thus, my life is marked by four walls again. On the bright side, they have a Brendan and lots of pillows and chocolate. I may not have freedom of movement (namely running- which I've missed almost as much as Brendan), but I have time and love and choices that are all mine and no one else's and that is the beauty of Saturday, yesterday and today and every day after. They're all mine and I get to choose how I spend them.

Also - news on the new job front: I'm pretty certain I have a new job with an elementary school! They want to hire both Brendan and myself and have offered us joint housing as well. This is very, very good news as now B and I can see more than enough of each other and have the freedom to choose not to! :P B will work as a real elementary teacher, for grades 3 to 6, and I will work as a kindergarten teacher, so children ranging in age from 4 to 6. I'm very happy with that level and excited to play more than instruct on grammar! So, yay! We have a life to look forward to! We may be successful in Istanbul yet!

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